
Showing posts with label convolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label convolution. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Part 2: AlphaGo under a Magnifying Glass (The historic match of deep learning AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol) REVISED

[NL Versie]

AlphaGo under a Magnifying Glass

Deep Learning program AlphaGo was developed by the Google DeepMind team specifically to play the board game Go. DeepMind was founded in London in 2010 by Demis Hassabis, Shane Legg and Mustafa Suleyman. The mission of DeepMind is to solve intelligence and use it to make the world a better place (as a real advertisement slogan). DeepMind was at the time supported by the most iconic tech entrepreneurs and investors who had a clear-cut vision of the future, prior to being acquired by Google early 2014: their biggest European acquisition ever of $400 million.

In this blog, an overview is given of the different AI components of AlphaGo as well as details about the teaching material, learning methods and skills of the program. In the first part (Under a small magnifying glass), the most important neural network components are put to spotlight along with their goal and function as part of AlphaGo. In the second part (Under a large magnifying glass), the characteristics of convolutional neural networks that AlphaGo is based on are covered in more detail.

Together, these two parts provide a basic overview of how the AI program is able to play go with such an unprecedented, never shown before achievement and extraordinary tour de force performance that amazingly and phenomenally are way beyond the original data (strong amateur games) from which AlphaGo has learned.

Under a small magnifying glass

AlphaGo is based on a branch of artificial intelligence named Deep Learning. In brief, this is a technique for efficiently learning associations and patterns from a giga amount of data. To this end, different complex layers of self-learning algorithms (neural networks) are used. After extended training, for instance, a neural network can learn to recognize faces in images or translate spoken sentences correctly. Once fit, the trained system is also able to find similar and unknown associations and patterns in new data. 

The special and ground-breaking that sets apart AlphaGo in the area of AI, is the unique manner, with very extensive and in-depth training, in which the program has learned to recognize and interpret go-positions and patterns. For this purpose AlphaGo judged, among other things, 30 million positions from 130,000 games from the KGS Go Server (with a 13-layer neural network). Each layer of the network has thereby its own task, for instance to keep track of the number of liberties. By back propagation of the end result of the game to every position, AlphaGo has learned to select likely winning moves in a smart and efficient manner.

By smart restriction and selection (after extensive training) of good follow-up moves from all legal moves in a position, AlphaGo only needs to calculate a few moves thoroughly (red). From this small group of preferred moves, AlphaGo then selects the 'best' move that statistically, both on the short and long run, provides the highest probability of winning the game (green).

This learning process basically is very simple and rather similar to the way we learn Go ourselves: as you play more and more you give increasingly added value and preference to moves that produced success and benefit in earlier games. After training, AlphaGo managed to reproduce successfully 57% of the moves from the go-profs. During this process it became also clear that with small improvements in this accuracy immediately great leaps forwards can be achieved in playing strength (basic policy version).

Using the basic policy version, an analogue version is made which enables AlphaGo to come up very rapidly with a next 'best' move, though less accurately. To this end, the program used ~140,000 patterns to determine efficiently and quickly probable good follup-moves in a go-position containing one or more of these patterns.  After extensive training, this version of AlphaGo succeeds, about 1000 times faster than the basic version, to reproduce about 24% of the moves played by go-profs (fast policy version).

With this basic learning process of AlphaGo, however, there is little news under the horizon yet: if you continue training for too long in this manner, you will be focusing too much on certain preferred moves that just occur frequently in the games studied (so called overfitting). This has the disadvantage that you might ignore other, relatively rare but perhaps better and more likely winning moves. 

To prevent this, a more mature version of AlphaGo trained against one of it's randomly selected younger, less wise predecessor program versions. After playing repeatedly 64,000 games in this manner, the most mature AlphaGo was added to it's own group of opponents. From that point, the entire process was started all over again. In this manner, in total ~1.3 million go-games were played after 20 iterations. Effectively, the program did become increasingly stronger by playing many games against itself (improved policy version, also: 'reinforcement learning policy').

After this long-term play-session the final honorary version of AlphaGo won more than 80% of the games against it's predecessors. And also over 85% against the strongest open source go-program Pachi which currently plays as 2d amateur on KGS and computes ~100,000 follow-up simulations per move. After this boot camp AlphaGo was able to select positional moves with a high probability of winning in an objective, fast, efficient, and accurate way

Another example of AlphaGo's policy version: in every goposition all possible legal moves are considered. With long-lasting training AlphaGo has learned to select moves that provide the highest probability of winning the game. And from this selection, AlphaGo chooses the move that is recommended most by it's various algorithms.

Both preceding stages focused in particular on smart selection of moves with a high probability of winning.  But what if you would like to know your chances of winning the game in a specific go-position? Then you actually would have to play out all promising follow-up moves and determine what fraction of those moves would result in a win. Since this, over and over again, consumes a mega amount of computing time, AlphaGo was trained further to be able to do this accurately but above all in a very fast and efficient way. 

With this final training phase AlphaGo builds --for each go-position to be judged-- a complete collection of games by rapidly playing moves, that are at random at first sight, until the game has finished in order to see who ultimately will win. In practice, these moves are not at all random because the program smartly uses the fast policy version ('policy network') to determine in a very restrictive way which moves provide the highest probability of winning. To use the basic (or improved) policy version for this purpose, it would just take by far too much computing time. 

When finishing the game from a given go-position, the fast policy version chooses rapidly the 'best' possible move for both parties. This efficient 'rollout policy' has been built and trained in the same manner as the basic policy version but is specifically designed to be much faster (about 1000x faster).

During this last training phase of AlphaGo, it again turned out to be important to try to generalize to new positions instead of leaning too much on go-positions seen and studied previously. Therefore, the mature version of AlphaGo once more played against itself to generate 30 million positions whereas for each individual position the probability of winning the game was computed. This fourth version of AlphaGo is primarily focused on fast evaluation of the position (evaluation version).

To summarize, in practice there are three versions of the 'policy network' that are identical in architecture but differ significantly in terms of accuracy and speed with which they select the next 'best'  move. In contrast, the fourth version is specifically trained to evaluate any board position fast and accurately.

Each of the AlphaGo versions above can play a rather good game of Go on top-amateur level. At the same time, however, you can imagine that the policy version will put too much emphasis on the best move in a specific local position while the evaluation version will be preoccupied with whether a move ultimately leads to winning the game. This sometimes may result in substantially different moves between these versions (compare in the short vs. long run).

The most deliberate aspect of AlphaGo now is it's ability to combine various neural networks, both to generate good follow-up moves and to evaluate positions efficiently and accurately, for the first time with precise move sequence computation using Monte Carlo Tree Search. 

Until now, self-contained MCTS has been one of the most applied techniques to Go programs but often turned out to be too computation intensive and inaccurate to win against a go-professional in an even game. Also, because of these important disadvantages of MCTS, experts thought it would take at least another decade before a computer program would be able to defeat a go-prof in a no-handicap game on a 19x19 board.

In conclusion, after extensive deep learning and training by self-playing hundreds of millions of games, AlphaGo's various neural networks versions are applied, in a smart and efficient manner, to restrict the number of good follow-up moves that need to be further evaluated and the depth a move has to be computed deeply. As a consequenceboard-positions in a game can be judged rapidly and accurately using a 'policy network' to smart move selection and a 'value network' to compute the probability of winning. 

By nifty combination of the three different versions of the 'policy network' (basic, fast, and improved policy versions) with both the 'value network' (evaluation version) and real-time Monte Carlo Tree Search rollout computations, AlphaGo is able to come up with the 'best' move that provides the highest probability of winning the game in an ultra efficient, fast, and reliable manner. 

Under a large magnifying glass

AlphaGo is based in principle on general-purpose AI methods. Under the hood, the program uses convolutional (filtering and encryption by transformationneural networks that attempt to mimic the way of play and the moves of go-experts down to the last detail, and subsequently become stronger by playing giga many games against themselves.

In recent years, deep convolution neural networks (CNN) have achieved unprecedented performance in the fields of image classification and face and location recognition. These networks use many, extended layers of neurons (learning units) to construct autonomously increasingly abstract, very local and detailed representations of an image (without the necessity of having to hold the network's hand continuously). 

Moreover, every network layer acts as a filter for the presence of specific features or patterns. For detection by such a filter it is irrelevant where exactly in the original image a specific feature or pattern is present: the filters are especially designed to detect whether or not the image does contain any such characteristics. The filter is shifted multiple times and applied at different image positions until the entire image has been covered in detail (the filter can correct, if necessary, e.g. for scale, translation, rotation angle, color, transformation, opacity, out of focus, deviations of specific features present in the original image).

Actually, the DeepMind team has employed a network architecture similar to convoluational neural nets when designing AlphaGo. Herewith, the board-position is represented by an image of 19x19 board points and offered as input after which the convolutional network layers subsequently construct a handy, compact, and precise representation of that position. Next, these layers can actually function as powerful filters in every go-position, for any specific pattern (or feature of the position) you want to detect locally and, for instance, be used for detailed classification, analysis or review of the board-position.

When processing increasingly smaller portions of the go-position image, the specific features of each network layer can be combined in order to distill an increasingly detailed and distinctive representation of the original go-position.

By repeating this process, very specific and detailed features can be used for classification of a go-position (such as eye shape or number of liberties) in order to assign the position to multiple, ultra specific categories extremely accurately. 

In practice, the special and incredible power of a convolutional network is that, by smart combination of different feature (filter) maps, a go-position can be categorized and reviewed very specifically on the basis of hundreds (if not thousands) of features and patterns simultaneously. In this manner, any go-position can be classified ultra fast and precise by first crude and clever characterization in terms of e.g. influence, corner fight, life-and-death problem, and then detailed designation of increasingly smaller characteristics of the position.

An important advantage of such convolutional networks is their almost complete independence on any prior knowledge and/or human feature design efforts in order to ultimately learn and assign tens of thousands, ultra-detailed features of a go-position. Such networks require relatively little pre-processing of an input board-position: the network is perfectly able to learn (sometimes millions of) these ultra-distinctive feature filters entirely by itself, autonomously.

Each layer of the network has thereby its own task of detecting some in advance, handcrafted features of the position, for instance to keep track of the number of liberties (atari), ladders, or a 'pattern book' of all possible 3x3 patterns. By back-propagation of the end result of the game to each position, AlphaGo has learned to assign win potentials to every possible move in a position and to select promising moves in a fast and efficient manner (see above: Under a small magnifying glass).

The schematic image above shows a rather simplified example of the architecture of a convolutional neural network (just six layers) that contains characteristic components  of the underlying architecture as has been applied to AlphaGo. In reality, the number of network layers, input dimensions and specific features for each layer as used in AlphaGo are much more complex than is shown here. 

Schematically, this image just illustrates the basic ingredients and function of the convolutional neural networks of AlphaGo: in a nutshell, the various layers convolve (filtering and encryption by transformation) the original 19 x 19 go-position by detection of increaslingly smaller and more abstract go-features. 

In the example diagram, the go-position may be classified by the network as: border fight, attack, center ko, nobi, split move. In practice, the end classification by a convolutional network may contain sometimes thousands (or even tens of thousands) filters and features that may be present in the original data, such as the go-position in this example.  

In case of AlphaGo, two deep learning neural network types have been used that are rather different and much more complex than shown in the diagram, each of them with it's own task and responsibilities: one network that has learned to select the next 'best' move and one network to evaluate the probability of winning in a position. For both networks, the numbers and number and type of layers shown are just a schematic over-simplified representation of what has been used for AlphaGo.

Both neural networks have as input 48 feature planes of the 19 x 19 board-points image (which in this diagram are represented by just one single image) and are configured specifically to optimize the efficiency and accuracy of their task. The 'policy' network of AlphaGo during the Fan Hui match used 13 layers and 192 filters, the 'value' network 15 layers (whereas layers 2 - 11 are identical to those of the 'policy' network). 

With the last layer, the convolutional network classifies the go-position by a precise combination of all specific go-features detected. In exactly the same manner, new and never seen before go-positions can be recognized and classified accurately after the deep learning neural network has been trained thoroughly. 

Where a human is able to play at most 10,000 serious games in a lifetime, AlphaGo plays hundreds of millions of games in a couple of months: training a new version of AlphaGo from scratch just takes about 4 – 6 weeks. Thereafter, a phenomenally, power-trained AlphaGo is able to compute and judge accurately tens of thousands go-positions per second (for the distributed version of AlphaGo running on multiple, first-class computers). 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Deep Learning AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol Match Overview (The historic match of deep learning AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol)

The most spectacular, remarkable and pioneering match in the history of the most ancient of games has taken place all the while: the Google DeepMind challenging match where AI program AlphaGo  defeated top Go professional Lee Sedol (9p) who has been at the top of the world league for more than fifteen years. According to his own claims Lee Sedol has a Go-board in his head day and night: "if I come up with new strategies I place stones on the board in my head, even when I watch tv, have been drinking, or playing billiards". 

What worldwide is regarded as the most outstanding grand challenge for artificial intelligence, namely mastering the game of Go by computer programs, may have become a closed down chapter with this match. A chapter of searching for more than half a century, inventing new algorithms, translating go principles into manageable concepts for computers, and the development of ever improving programs with only one single goal: playing without handicap against humans without completely being swept off the Go-board.

Deep Learning AlphaGo, itself still in its infancy, is the very beginning of a great revolution in Artificial Intelligence. Barely half a year ago the program beat for the first time in history a Go-pro in an even game: Fan Hui (2p). Now it is ready for the enormous challenge to outperform and to defeat one of the strongest players of the world. DeepMind's ultimate aim  thereby is to disentangle AI completely and make the world a better place (a real advertising message).

With more than 100 million people worldwide who have watched the five games of this historic match online and the hundreds and hundreds journalists, commentators, and reporters who attended the press conferences during the match, you can imagine that uncountable many questions were dying to be asked:

Why is this match so outstanding? How well does AlphaGo play against Lee Sedol? Is the AI program able to play a reasonable game? What is hidden under the hood of AlphaGo? Is the progam able to come up with new and 'creative' moves? Has AlphaGo made some progress since the sometimes malfunctioning version against Fan Hui? How did Lee Sedol prepare himself mentally for this match against AlphaGo? Is he able to detect weaknesses in AlphaGo's way of play and to make use of them? Does Lee Sedol remain himself when playing against an opponent who cannot be seen by him and he doesn't know anything about? Is he able to withstand the psychological pressure of the hundreds of millions that are watching his go-actions closely? Is AlphaGo able to improve even further in the future?

Already being felt as the most wonderful, inspiring, overwhelming and most spectacular match of the 21st century. The games played by Lee Sedol and AlphaGo will be studied and analysed for tens of years to come and as a reference for what will be without doubt one of the biggest landmarks ever achieved in the history of AI.

In this overview article, from a bird's eye view and in a bird flight, everything about and around the historic match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol, highlights of the games played, how both Lee Seol and Demis Hassabis (and their supporting teams) have been blindsided and blown off completely by AlphaGo's phenomenal strong way of playing as well as by the final match outcome, remarkable background details and telling photo's, what this match is really about, how the world has experienced, processed, and tries to recover from this match, the massive impact that this match is expected to have on both Go and Artificial Intelligence worldwide.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Part 1: Details of the Match of the 21st century (The historic match of deep learning AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol)

Lee Sedol defeated by deep learning AlphaGo in historic match
The most spectacular, remarkable and pioneering match in the history of the most ancient of games has taken place all the while: the Google DeepMind challenging match where AI program AlphaGo  outbraved top Go professional Lee Sedol (9p) who has been at the top of the world league for more than fifteen years. According to his own claimings Lee Sedol has a Go-board in his head day and night: "if I come up with new strategies I place stones on the board in my head, even when I watch tv, have been drinking, or playing billiards". 

What worldwide is regarded as the most as the most outstanding grand challenge for artificial intelligence, namely mastering the game of Go by computer programs, may have become a closed down chapter with this match. A chapter of searching for more than half a century, inventing new algorithms, translating go principles into manageable concepts for computers, and the development of ever improving programs with only one single goal: playing without handicap against humans without completely being sweeped off the Go-board.
Deep Learning AlphaGo, itself still in its infancy, is the very beginning of a great revolution in Artificial Intelligence. Barely half a year ago the program beated for the first time in history a Go-pro in an even game: Fan Hui (2p). Now it is ready for the enormous challenge to outperform and to defeat one of the strongest players of the world. DeepMind's ultimate aim  thereby is to disentangle AI completely and make the world a better place (a real advertising message).

With more than 100 million people worldwide who have watched the five games of this historic match online and the hundreds and hundreds journalists, commentators, and reporters who attended the press conferences during the match, you can imagine that uncountable many questions were dying to be asked:

Why is this match so outstanding? How well does AlphaGo play against Lee Sedol? Is the AI program able to play a reasonable game? What is hidden under the hood of AlphaGo? Is the progam able to come up with new and 'creative' moves? Has AlphaGo made some progress since the sometimes malfunctioning version against Fan Hui? How did Lee Sedol prepare himself mentally for this match against AlphaGo? Is he able to detect weaknesses in AlphaGo's way of play and to make use of them? Does Lee Sedol remain himself when playing against an opponent who cannot be seen by him and he doesn't know anything about? Is he able to withstand the psychological pressure of the hundreds of millions that are watching his go-actions closely? Is AlphaGo able to improve even further in the future?

Already being felt as the most wonderful, inspiring, overwhelming and most spectacular match of the 21st century. De games played by Lee Sedol and AlphaGo will be studied and analysed for tens of years to come and as a reference for what will be without doubt one of the biggest landmarks ever achieved in the history of AI.

In this overview article, from a bird's eye view and in a bird flight, everything about and around the historic match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol, highlights of the games played, how both Lee Seol and Demis Hassabis (and their supporting teams) have been blindsided and blown off completely by AlphaGo's phenomenal strong way of playing as well as by the final match outcome, remarkable background details and telling photo's, what this match is really about, how the world has experienced, processed, and tries to recover from this match, the massive impact that this match is expected to have on both Go and Artificial Intelligence worldwide.

The Match details: why, what and how? 

Regarded as the outstanding grand challenge for artificial intelligence, Go has been considered for more than halve a century as one of the most difficult games for computers to master due to its sheer complexity which makes brute  force exhaustive search intractable (apart from the fact that there are more possible board configurations than the number of atoms in the visible universe).

On January 27th this year,  pioneering news went all over the world: AI program AlphaGo from Google DeepMind wins landmark five game match against reigning European Champion Fan Hui (2p). Never before, a computer program defeated a Go-prof with 5-0 in formal games without handicap. The most challenging and complex job until now, both for computers and artificial intelligence worldwide, thus appears to be brought to completion. Despite winning the match against Fan Hui, however, AlphaGo showed several weaknesses and the DeepMind team wanted therefore to investigate if they would be able to improve and upgrade AlphaGo's play to come level with that of the top Go professionals of the world. To this end, the DeepMind team also invited Fan Hui to help them to improve the program.

On Feb. 4th Demis Hassabis, head and co-founder of Google's DeepMind, announced in a tweet that AlphaGo will play a match coming March 9-15 against the best human Go player of the last decade: Lee Sedol (9p). This will be the biggest and most spectacular, remarkable, pioneering match in the history of the most ancient of games and for sure will long be referred to as the match of the 21st century. 

Most important goal of this match to the DeepMind team will be to test if an improved version of  AlphaGo can be an equivalent opponent for Lee Sedol and perhaps even will be able to defeat him. Moreover, to find and fix any new weaknesses or  immature types of moves of AlphaGo.  

The overarching and most important long-term goal of the DeepMind team, however, is to develop generic deep learning software that is able to tackle various ultra complex problems from a wide area of research fields including health care, energy, transportation, famine, genetics, physics, and so on, to support human scientists in finding effective solutions. 

Up to now, computer programs never have been able to beat the very best at Go so the match will be also a way of testing and judging the suddenly rapid progress of AI – how far these technologies have come (and perhaps how far they can go), what scientists and engineers have achieved so far in the context of AI.  

One of the most intriguing and remarkable decisions of the DeepMind team while training AlpaGo has been to use a giga collection of  amateur games (≥ 6d to 8-9 dan, this is about 1-2d professional rankings) from the KGS Go Server. While they could have made the choice to use strong pro games instead (including strongest 9p profs of the world). Hassabis has repeatedly stated, confirmed and emphasized that there is –not any-- strong pro game included in the database that AlphaGo used to learn and train from. And specifically: the database doesn't contain any game played by Lee Sedol. Yet, there are at least 85,000 pro games publicly accessible out there, more than half the volume of the 130,000 KGS games that were used to train AlphaGo’s base system.

So let's imagine you have almost unlimited financial resources, one of the most advanced, distributed, and generic cloud computing platform of the world, and really many mega talented  employees (and daughter companies) that are beyond any doubt among the best of the best in state-of-the-art AI research world wide. What on earth could be a reason for you to explicitly –not-- use the largest collections of Go-prof games available nowadays? Usage or copy rights? Costs, or perhaps huge efforts to be able to use these games? Extremely unlikely. Perhaps, the 80,000 pro games (as compared to the 130,000 amateur games) are inadequate or too inhomogeneous for AlphaGo to learn from effectively? Very improbable and unlogical as the convolutional (read simply:coding by means of transformation) neural networks that AlphaGo is based on, are easily capable of extracting autonomously millions of characteristic features from game positions and patterns, even in case of using a relatively small number of, say 50,000 games.

Therefore, wouldn't it be more than obvious for the smart and highly motivated team behind AlphaGo, to go --exclusively-- for collections of professional Go-games, if their main and ultimate goal is to design, develop, train, test, use, and improve the strongest AI program worldwide to play Go in order to try to beat in the end the very best top professionals Go players in the world?  

So there probably is a very simple, logical, inherent, natural, and above all fundamental reason for this: the DeepMind team will investigate and analyse whether the way they designed and trained AlphaGo, i.e. exclusively on the on the basis of amateur games, can result to an 'intelligent' system that is able to play moves (from time to time) that are far beyond the amateur level from which it started to learn from in the first place. 

In other words: if AlphaGo will be able to beat Lee Sedol on the basis of amateur level games only (players that by no means would be able to win from Lee Sedol, not even with three stones handicap), wouldn't that prove that AlphaGo by design and training would have learned --by itself-- new, top-level pro moves and patterns that were absolutely absent and unknown in the original data from which it learned from? That AlphaGo consistently would have developed a playing strength that is demonstrably much stronger than any of the amateurs from whom these games stem? That really would be an incredible breakthrough in AI worldwide and irrefutable proof that deep learning models can become  --better-- than the data you feed them (as opposed to the generally accepted idea that deep learning models --at best-- can be as good as the data you feed them).

The match over five formal games will be played at the Four Seasons Hotel in Seoul, South Korea (games will start at 13h local time: 04h GMT, with rest days on March 11th and 14th). There will be played according to chinese rules (19x19, 7.5 komi) and thinking time will be 2 hours each (plus three periods of 60-second byoyomi). Each game is expected to take around 4-5 hours. The winner of the match receives $ 1M price money. If AlphaGo will be the winner, the prize money will be donated to charities including Unicef. In any case, Lee Sedol will receive at least $150,000 for participating in all the five games, and an additional $20,000 for each win. 

Hassabis explained about the match: “Go is the most profound game that mankind has ever devised. The elegantly simple rules lead to beautiful complexity. Go is a game primarily about intuition and feel rather than brute calculation which is what it makes it so hard for computers to play the game well. Working out who is winning in Go is very hard. A stone’s value comes only from its location relative to the other stones on the board, which changes with every move. 

At the same time, small tactical decisions can have, as every Go player knows, huge strategic consequences later on. There is plenty of structure—Go players talk of features such as ladders, walls and false eyes—but these emerge organically from the rules, rather than being prescribed by them. We are honored and excited to be playing this challenge match against Lee Sedol, a true legend of the game, and whether who wins or lose, we hope that the match will inspire new interest in Go from around  the world.” 

Park Chimoon, Vice Chairman of the Korean Baduk Association (KBA) said: “The whole world is interested in this event as this is the first stage where humans and computers are  competing in intelligence. I am proud that this historical stage is baduk (Go). I hope Lee Sedol will  win this time in order to prove humans’ remarkable intelligence and preserve the mysteries of baduk.” 

The match will be live streamed on DeepMind's YouTube channel as well as broadcasted on TV throughout Asia through Korea's Baduk TV, as well as in China, Japan, and elsewhere. Among others, Match commentators will include  Michael Redmond, the only professional Western Go player to achieve 9p status with over 500 professional wins under his belt, who will commentate in English, and Yoo Changhyuk (9p), Kim Sungryong (9p), Song Taegon (9p), and Lee Hyunwook (8p) will commentate in Korean alternately.

Hassabis stated that "if AlphaGo will win the match against legendary Lee Sedol, I believe that this would mean AlphaGo is better in playing Go than anyone in the world". Lee Sedol said in a first statement he is etremeley joyed and excited to take on the challenge: "I am privileged to be the one to play, but I am confident I can win".

Depending on possible further improvements and development of AlphaGo during the past few months (apart from possible adaptations in AlphaGo specifically focused on Lee Sedol's way of playing) and the enormous processing power that will be used by the DeepMind team during the match, AlphaGo's strength probably will approach that of top players like Lee Sedol. 

Therefore, chances are ultra high that this will be an extremely exciting, thrilling, nerve-racking, exhausting and inspiring match. If AlphaGo will win this match against Lee Sedol, this undoubtedly will be orders of magnitude more sensational and spectacular than it was when AlphaGo won against Fan Hui (or at the time Deep Blue defeated Kasparov).  

[Part 2: AlphaGo under a Magnifying Glass]